Diaper Need
Diaper need is defined when parents lack a sufficient supply of diapers to keep an infant or child clean, dry, and healthy. One in five Canadian moms experience diaper need.
A newborn baby goes through 10-12 diapers a day.
Families spend over $100 per child on disposable diapers each month, or $1,200 over a year, making diapers inaccessible for too many families.
Unfortunately, diaper need is all too common in Toronto.
Toronto is the child poverty capital of Canada. Over one in four families live in poverty. That makes diapers out of reach for a large majority of families. When families can’t afford or access clean diapers, it affects the whole family.
The Impact of Diaper Need
Healthier Children
Close to 40% of parents experiencing diaper need resort to extending dirty diapers for their babies. Keeping babies and children in dirty diapers longer leads to increased health risks, such as increased cases of urinary tract infections (UTI), painful diaper rash, renal failure, staph and more.
Babies’ overall health improves when families experiencing diaper need receive diapers.
Healthier Families
When families don’t have access to diapers for their child, it adversely affects the family’s wellbeing, particularly impacting a mother’s maternal mental health.
Over 93% of mothers report being able to provide diapers for their baby is a conduit for connection and love, as well as a source of confidence and pride for them. Studies show that when mothers aren’t able to provide diapers for their baby mothers are at increased risk of depression and anxiety.
By supporting mothers and families to have an adequate supply of diapers, this helps to reduce parental stress and improve their happiness, leading to healthier children and happier families.
Increase Financial Independence for Families
Childcare, daycare and early childhood education programs require parents to provide an adequate supply of diapers for the care of babies or toddlers. Close to 60% of families experiencing diaper need, miss work or school due to lack of sufficient diapers.
By providing diapers to families, it directly impacts a family’s financial security. In fact, personal income increased 11 times for every dollar invested in diaper assistance at a diaper bank in the US.
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